Thursday, September 9, 2010


I thoroughly enjoyed writing on this blog site over the past 9 weeks. It is something that I never considered and had it not been for this class would not have registered on the site, much less write a story. I am proud of myself because I actually set up and designed the site on my own (without my son’s help) because anything “outside of the box” gets me a little bit anxious. However, I appreciate it being included in our assignments because blogging allowed me to share a small part of my life from 1972. Who knows, maybe I will register on Face book next.

Thank you everyone for sharing your talents and a part of who you are.

Professor, thank you for your encouragement throughout.

Friday, September 3, 2010

New Beginnings

After a turbulent relationship with her parents, especially her mother, the young woman was asked to leave the family home to save their marriage. She considered all that had happened since that day on April 17, 1972 when she met them for the first time at the age of 11.5 years. She remembered her father disliking her birth name and giving her a totally different name upon arrival from the airport; she remembered the disrespectful names that her mother would call her; she remembered the animosity from her brother and sister; she remembered how “suffocated” she felt living in the home but not having the courage to leave; she remembered her first day at school – it brought a smile to her face; she remembered her first job – that too brought a smile to her face; she remembered the tense relationship between her parents. She remembered sharing a room with her younger sister and how the sister would abuse her privacy and her belongings; she remembered a lot more sadness and knew that she was more than ready to make it on her own. She knew that she would be happier.

She found a home in another town away from her parents and siblings – a one room apartment with shared bathroom facilities. In the one room was a bed, a stove and sink in a corner. There was a refrigerator, table and chairs and a closet. There was also an electric meter on the wall where she would insert coins for electricity. It was incomparable to how she lived with her biological family but knew that she would be free and most of all she would be happy. She signed the lease and returned with a friend to pack her few belongings. Her parents were seated in the kitchen yet they did not speak to her or offered any help. She walked to the kitchen door with the ironing board under her arm “Bye mummy, bye daddy.” There was no response, no acknowledgement. The young woman left.

As the years past the young woman would reflect on her journey and tried to figure out what had she done to deserve such emotional abuse from her biological family. It had been a long journey but she realized that in the midst of all the sadness she was always protected – someone had been praying for her. Ironically, her parents’ marriage dissolved 6 years after the young woman left home. Many years later she reconciled with her father, sister and brother; her mother was not interested in reconciliation even after the young woman initiated one.

The young woman flourished as she matured and she excelled at whatever she attempted. She married, divorced, remarried and eventually had a child of her own. Her relationship with her father became stronger and continues to be the best even though they are separated by the Atlantic Ocean. She is now at the best stage of her life. Did the abuse from her family in London have an adverse effect on her? Yes, very, very much but with counseling from her childhood physician and a psychologist she began to understand why her biological mother, especially, behaved the way she did towards her. She had given birth to the young woman at the tender age of 16 years and although she married the child’s father and had 2 more children, the biological mother had resentment towards her, blaming her for ruining her life.

True happiness is knowing and accepting that you are loved by, and created in the image of, a Divine Creator.