Saturday, August 28, 2010

Moving on......

The young girl grew into a young woman and as she adapted the British culture there were many confrontations with her mother. During her first year her mother asked if she would like to return to her homeland because her grandmother misses her. She would later reflect on these questions and wonder why she did not have the guts to say “Yes, I want to return to grandma.” She recalls many arguments with her mother but could not understand why they happened, and her only solace was found in school. During those earlier years her father spoke very little to her but he always had something fun to say to her sister and brother. He adored her sister while her mother lavished love upon her brother. Who was there for her? She went through much heartache at home and promised herself never to have three children; one, two or four but not three, and she made this promise based upon her loneliness with her new family.

Following her high school graduation she became a shorthand typist apprentice with a major organization that encouraged her to pursue secretarial studies while she worked, which she did. She excelled in secretarial studies and her employer funded the school fees. During this time she remained with her parents who, after witnessing her achievements, gave her the choice to travel or contribute towards the rent at home. Of course she chose to travel, a choice that has helped her to develop into a stronger young woman with excellent social skills that allowed her to relate in a diverse environment. However, where she excelled in the workplace the situation at home became intolerable and there continued to be friction between mother and daughter. The situation was so terrible that the young woman contemplated ending her own life and wrote a letter to that effect. Of course her mother found the letter and never once asked the young woman why she felt the way she did. Her father rarely intervened because mother was the dominant figure.

Over time her relationship with her father became stronger as her parents’ relationship deteriorated but this father-daughter relationship was to come to an abrupt end as her mother decided that at 21 the young woman must leave the family home, and gave her father an ultimatum to either make their marriage work or put their daughter out. When her father explained the situation the young girl did not hesitate to find an apartment. She knew that she needed some freedom but did not know how to initiate the move, so she was thankful for her mother making that decision for her.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Coat and First Day of School

The following day her mother, noticing that the young girl felt cold, took her with her siblings to purchase a new coat. A strange heavy outer garment that she was not used to but appreciated once she wore it. On the same journey there was a trip to meet her mother’s father who had lived in England for many years and was preparing to return to the island that she had just arrived from. The young girl did not know her grandfather but had heard a lot about him. It was a bitter sweet reunion because she knew that she would not see him again because he would be sailing back home soon.

A routine was set and within days her mother, again with her siblings, began the task of getting the young girl into a school. Several schools were visited and the young girl was given an academic test on each occasion; passing with flying colors. One school actually suggested to her mother that the young girl is placed in a more challenging environment because her education is outstanding. Mother appreciated this recommendation and the young girl was finally registered in a mixed gender school not far from home.

Her first day at school arrived and her mother accompanied her to the principal’s office. The young girl had been accustomed to wearing a school uniform so being able to continue that trend made her happy. She was escorted to her homeroom and greeted by a class of Caucasian boys and girls of the same age. The teacher, a male, was also Caucasian and she noticed one other black child, a boy, in her class. The principal spoke to the teacher then left. She was introduced to her new classmates and assigned a seat beside a group of girls who would take care of her for the next 2 years in school. Little did she know that this had been prearranged to make her feel at home in her new school and country. Instead of a math lesson, the teacher had planned a welcome party with music and discussion that the young girl could associate with; music and discussion relating to the country of her birth. For the first time since her arrival in this foreign country she felt accepted.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The New Family

On the morning of April 17, 1972 driving through London town with her father, mother brother and sister, strangers to her, the young girl’s 7 year sister offered her some snacks. She did not recognized the snacks that she was offered. When she asked what they were her mother said “It’s chocolate.” She had never before seen the type of chocolate that they offered, the chocolate she had seen was the one grounded into a paste once it left the tree and which her grandmother used to make delicious chocolate tea. The young girl shook her head, refusing the chocolate. Her brother and sister would glance at her shyly but neither of them spoke and the young girl did not know what to say to them. She knew their names because her grandmother had spoken to her about them. They drove through many crowded streets and she saw huge and tall buildings that did not make any sense to her. There were cars all around and some were in longs lines not going anywhere. This was not adventure.

The car finally stopped in an area where there were many, many houses attached to each other and the young girl noticed three tall buildings close together with a playground. Everyone exited the car and walked toward one of the tall buildings. She watched as her father pressed a button then waited. Minutes later a door opened and to her amazement the exact same “metal box” that she disliked at the airport was opening in front of her and she was ushered in. This was a longer ride than at the airport then finally the doors opened and she was in an area with four corners and doors in each corner with numbers. She noticed her mother going towards number 75 and opened the door. Everyone entered – this was her new home. She could not understand how one minute she was outside, then the next in the “metal box”, and in another instant she was in the house. It would be weeks before she understood this weird method of getting into the house and realize that her new home was on the twentieth floor of a twenty-four storey building and that the “metal box” was called a “lift” (elevator). This was one of many culture shocks that she would experience.

Her father had not said much after the introduction at the airport and once inside the home everyone and everything was strange. Her younger siblings attempted to interact with her but gave up. Her father was seated in the living room while her mother busied herself in the kitchen. Suddenly he called her; the young girl went; a little unsure of herself because she had never had a father called her name before. To her dismay, her father explained that now she is in England he will be changing her name to “Judy” because he does not like the name that she was used to. She must respond to this new name whenever she is called; the young girl nodded. The new name lasted one day, how was she to adapt to a new name after 11.5 years? A new family, new culture, new home, new name, all in one day but her young age did not permit her to discuss this with anyone and she dwelt on these changes for a long, long time.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Arrival and Inspection

The air steward accompanied her to immigration, all the young girl had to do was follow she was asked no question and all her documents were in order – thanks to her grandma. She does not remember much about the journey from the airplane, through immigration, to getting her one suitcase, she was just dazed and tired still unable to figure out a lot of things and seeing, for the first time, a lot of Caucasians. There was a time when she was ushered into what appeared to be a large tall “metal box” with a lot of other people and her escort. When the door closed the “metal box” seems to go up by itself and it left a strange nauseating feeling in the pit of her stomach. Just when she felt that she could not breathe, there were no windows, the “box” came to a sudden jerking stop and the door

opened. She could not get out fast enough then was guided into a room where her escort spoke to a Caucasian man in a white overcoat. The man was a doctor and he explained that he would be examining her to make sure that she was a healthy young girl. The escort left and the doctor asked her to remove the top part of her clothing then he left the room. Totally confused, the young girl could not remember if she was instructed to remove just her dress or if she was to remove her petticoat (slip). After removing her arms from inside the dress and petticoat she held the clothes to her bosom and waited anxiously – unsure what to do next. The door suddenly opened. She was so frightened that she released her hold on her clothing and allowed the dress and petticoat to fall from her grasp. Both the young girl and doctor were surprised but he calmly told her that she need only remove the top part of her dress in order that he might examine her upper torso. He listened to her chest, back, told her to breathe in and out, checked her eyes, ears, mouth, tongue and skin. Then told her she was a healthy young woman and “welcome to England.” Her escort returned and the doctor handed some documents to her. They went into another “metal box”, this time it went down. She had the same feeling in the pit of her stomach.

As they walked, there were a crowd of people who seem to be looking at her, staring. Some had cards with names, others were smiling, some were hugging. She did not know what faces to look for. Was there someone in the crowd for her, someone who knew her? Her grandma had told her that her parents would be at the airport to meet her but the young girl had no idea what they looked like. They, however, would know what she looked like because her mother had sent the outfit that she wore. She saw a family that she thought was hers but the escort walked away from them. Then, suddenly a woman, a man, a little boy, and an older little girl stepped forward to the escort. This was her new family? Words were exchanged papers signed and the escort handed over the young girl to the woman. Strange hugs and even stranger introductions. Her father took her suitcase and the two children, while her mother took her hand as they walked to her father’s friends waiting car. Her new life had begun but little did she know what awaited her.